Add New Source via Gong

You can ingest sales call transcripts as new feedback data through Gong in the Sources page, accessible from the nav bar.

You’ll need to connect your Gong Workspace to Inari by pressing Connect. The account connecting needs to be a Technical Admin in order to have the right access privileges for Inari to connect.

Once connected, you can press Ingest Workspace to select the specific workspace in Gong to ingest call transcripts from. Set the Feedback Ingestion Starting Date to set the furthest date from today from which to begin ingesting call transcripts from.

Space Triage

You can assign or Triage a piece of feedback into a specific Space when adding a new data source or updating the Space value in the feedback’s detail panel.

Feedbacks that are Triaged into a Space will be used as context when generating new insights and issues in that Space. Existing insights and issues in a given space will also be auto-linked to feedback triaged into that space.

This allows for more concentrated and higher-quality insights and issues to be generated since triaging allows for higher-quality clusters to arise.

Filter Spam

You can optionally pre-filter all feedback to check whether the feedback seems like Spam and is not product feedback.

This is most useful when analyzing feedback from sources similar to Intercom or Zendesk where high volumes of emails and support conversations aren’t necessarily product feedback and should be removed.

We recommend only setting this on for data sources riddled with marketing or spam messages since the AI can make mistakes and miscategorize feedback.

Organization Domain

You can set a Domain for your organization in the Settings page. Inari will look for emails in Gong linked to this domain and filter them out of the analysis so that results are not impacted by comments from internal teammates.

This is most relevant when connecting sources like Gong where the majority of a customer interaction might come from an internal teammate.