Manage Backlog

Once your team has insights that represent the top problems top of mind for customers, it’s time to take action. In the Backlog page, teams can track Issues generated based on insights that were set active in the space, created manually, or synced from Jira or Linear [coming soon].

Every issue has more details that can be viewed by clicking on the Issue column. This shows the detail panel with the issue’s detailed PRD, all Highlights that were auto-linked based on keyword and semantic similarity, and helpful metrics to guide backlog prioritization such as users and companies requesting the feature, revenue impact pulled from your CRM, and sentiment scores.

Creating Issues from Insights

In each specific Insight detail panel, there’s an action to Generate Issue with AI that will take the problem identified in the insight, context gathered from all linked customer quotes, and external context about the org to generate potential issues to resolve the problem.

Create Manual Issue

In the Backlog page, you can also manually create an Issue, similar to a typical issue tracker, and fill out the details, priority levels, status, and keywords to link highlights by.

Issue Statuses

Every Issue in Inari has 5 default statuses to make issues easier to manage:

  1. New: new issues that are automatically surfaced by AI as clusters of feature requests are flagged by customers
  2. To Do: issues manually set by the team to work on later
  3. In Progress: issues manually set by the team that are being worked on
  4. Done: issues manually set by the team as something completed
  5. Closed: issues that are no longer relevant to the space; closed issuess are used as examples of issues to not generate moving forward

Generate PRD

Inari drafts a detailed PRD for every issue based on the topic of the issue, context from insights in the space, and context gathered from all linked customer quotes.

This PRD is auto-generated after the insight is initially created but is refreshable by pressing the Last Updated or Generate PRD buttons.

Prioritize by GTM Data

You can connect your HubSpot or Salesforce CRMs to Inari to enrich all customers and companies associated with each feedack, insight, and backlog.

Once a CRM is integrated, Inari ingests GTM fields such as ARR, Deal Size, and Stage to generate metrics around user and company volumes, revenue impact, and segments by GTM and persona fields. Connecting a CRM makes prioritizing issues and following up on sales blockers with specific companies requesting features easier through Inari.

Prioritize Issues

Each insight has customizable priority levels that are set by AI based on the context from the insight, the volume and severity of the metrics linked to the insight relative to other insights in that space, and general product heuristics on how best to prioritize problems.

Priority levels can be manually overridden or re-prioritized in bulk by pressing Automations then Prioritize Issues.

Backlog Automation

In the Settings page and Backlog tab, you can set Inari to automatically create new issues when an insight is set Active. Inari will use the context from the insight and all linked customer quotes to generate its best recommended action to take based on the context.

You can also configure which types of insights to automatically create issues from - we recommend setting this active for Requests and Defects since these typically have the most tangible asks and problems noted by customers.

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