Create account

Anyone with a business email can create a new account and organization on Inari for free here. During the sign-up flow, you’ll create a user, org, and your first space.

We strongly recommend providing as much context about your org and product as possible since context significantly improves accuracy and relevance of a AI results throughout Inari.

Once complete, you can walk through the onboarding flow by hitting the Getting Started link in the nav bar.

Customize organization and spaces

Inari organizes feedback, insights, and backlogs into Organizations and Spaces.

Think of Organizations as the company or parent org and Spaces as the underlying teams or product lines. You should only create one Organization but be comfortable creating dedicated Spaces for each team, product line, or project where it’s beneficial to have a specific sets of feedback to analyze, insights to cluster, or backlog issues to manage.

Navigate to the Settings page in the nav bar to customize your org, create or delete spaces, provide context, or set how feedback is triaged into each space.

Upload Data Source

Inari automatically analyzes all customer data added into it, extracts useful customer quotes, then uses them as the basis when generating actionable insights and issues. So to begin using Inari, you have to add new data sources!

You can add sources through 4 avenues:

  1. Manually uploading CSVs, DOCs, PDFs, or other common file types
  2. Connecting apps like Gong, Intercom, Zendesk, and Slack through direct integrations
  3. Setting up a connection through Zapier
  4. Pushing feedback into Inari via API (chat with us here to do so!)

Navigate to the Sources page in the nav bar then you can see the manual upload, direct integration, and Zapier options to connect.

Every feedback requires 3 fields while uploading:

  • Customer Name: the full name of the customer that submitted the feedback
  • Date Received: the date that the feedback was sent by the customer
  • Feedback: the actual content of the feedback aggregated in one column

There’s a variety of other fields like Company Name, NPS, CSAT, and unique ID’s - pull those together and map them into Inari whenever possible since this further enriches the quality of insights and metrics generated but they are optional.

For most direct integrations, we automatically ingest all fields for you. But when manually adding feedbacks through CSV or Zapier, it’s critical to pull together as much useful then map it into Inari to improve the quality and accuracy of analysis and metrics.

Analyze Feedback

All feedback data uploaded into Inari is unified into the Feedback page. In the nav bar, you can see All Feedback to view feedback across all spaces or Feedback that is triaged into a specific space.

Every feedback has additional details that can be viewed by clicking on the Feedback column. This shows the detail panel with full contents of the feedback, additional metadata, and most importantly the set of customer quotes that were highlighted as important.

When analyzing feedback, Inari specifically looks to extract all customer quotes that can be helpful for product development. This specifically means looking for Feature Requests, Defects,Praises, and Learnings that are mentioned by customers. Inari extracts all useful quotes, categorizes them into these feedback types, and scores the sentiment.

You can also manually create your own Feedback Highlights by dragging your cursor across any quote then hitting Create Highlight. Highlights can also be manually overridden, approved, or removed - all actions that Inari tracks on our end to personalize and improve your analysis moving forward.

Generate Insights

Inari becomes magical once you begin generating insights. In the nav bar, you can view Insights that are tracked under each Space. After uploading feedback for the first time, Inari will automatically analyze it, extract and categorize all the top customer quotes, then cluster them and present them as new insights here.

You can manually trigger the clustering by clicking Automations then Generate New Insights - this will look for Feedback Highlights that haven’t previously been analyzed, cluster them together, then surface the top trends. All generated insights will show up in the New tab for you to review, approve, or close out. Most teams only have a few key topics they want to keep an eye on so we’d recommend you set those Active then Close out the rest.

Every insight has more details that can be viewed by clicking on the Insight column. This shows the detail panel with a deep-dive, all Highlights that were automatically linked to it based on keyword and semantic similarity, volume and sentiment metrics in Trends, and linked Issues tracked in the backlog.

All Active and New insights are continuously linked with new feedback highlights so you can monitor which trends are most top of mind for customers moving forward.

Manage Backlog

Once your team has a set of insights that represent the top problems top of mind for customers, it’s time to take action. In the Backlog page, teams can track Issues that are generated based on insights set active in the space, created manually, or synced from Jira or Linear [coming soon].

Every issue has more details that can be viewed by clicking on the Issue column. This shows the detail panel with an issue PRD, all Highlights that were automatically linked to it based on keyword and semantic similarity, and helpful metrics to guide backlog prioritization such as users and companies requesting the feature, revenue impact pulled from your CRM, and sentiment scores.

Invite Teammates

Sharing insights and opportunities is better with teams - Inari does not charge based on seats so be empowered to invite away!

You can invite teammates into your org in the nav bar by pressing Invite Teammates and entering their emails. Once submitted, the teammate will receive an invite email to join your organization.

See essentials